Saturday, August 2, 2008

Quick 'trigger' suggestion

I frequently use 'triggers' to prompt me in prayer and memorization of scripture. A trigger is some physical reminder to be aware, such as, praying every time a phone rings or reciting a verse when you pull keys from your pocket. I hit on one yesterday that I am going to use for a week or two. A friend of mine had her birthday yesterday (8-02) and I feel like she is in need of prayer, so I am setting an alarm on my phone for 8:02 p.m. and a.m. Whenever it goes off I will pause and pray for her. Once I get in a habit of praying for her I will probably stop, but until then my phone alarm set to her birth day digits will serve as a prompt. Just thought this tid bit of suggestion might come in handy for you. Peace to you from the Practical Disciple.

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