Wednesday, August 20, 2008

One Bag Down

"If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away; it is better for you to lose one of your members than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away; it is better for you to lose one of your members than for you whole body to go into hell." Matthew 5:29-30. Whoa, isn't this a bit extreme Jesus! is my first reaction when I read these words. Once I get over the extremity of it I realize that its just plain common sense which isn't necessarily so common. Jesus shared this principle of what I will call "dramatic expulsion" in the context of discussing adultery. It is a principle though we can apply throughout our lives of discipleship.

Stop and think about what you need to purge from your life. What do you need to get rid of to stop enabling yourself over and over again in some misguided behavior that you know is wrong. This morning I got rid of my tote bag. That doesn't sound so dramatic, but for me it is. As some of you will have read, my tote bag on Monday was so loaded with junk that it set off my passenger seat belt alarm. My tote bag enables me day in and day out to bring things from work to home and vice versa. These things are like silent burglar's entering our house. In little ways they steal valuable time and attention away from my family or they rob me of my peace. The peace theft is very subtle. Truth be told I actually work on very little out of my bag. That's where the peace thievery comes in. I bring it home self-deluded in thinking I am going to do something with it and then when I inevitably do not, I feel a sense of failure or guilt. The feeling isn't dramatic. I don't flog myself or enter into weeping or gnashing of teeth. Nevertheless, the whole delusional game is wrong.

Today I left my tote bag at home. I don't think my tote bag is going to cause my whole body to be thrown into hell, but it certainly isn't bringing more of heaven into my home. Today I went to work only carrying with me what I could carry in my open hands. I only brought what I knew I absolutely needed to act on. This evening I brought nothing home. The experience was both freeing and uncomfortable.

What is one piece of unnecessary baggage you could shed? What is the hand you need to cut off or the eye you need to remove? Do it. Just do it. Your bag may not be literal. Your bag may not be extraordinary or dramatic. Get rid of it. You may find the experience freeing, but don't be surprised if there is some discomfort as well. Purging involves breaking a relationship. Your connection to what you purged fed or met a need in your life. The withdrawal though is an investment in your relationship to God.

Blessing as you make this important step.

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