Thursday, June 12, 2008

7 ways to ingest God's Word

1) Listen to it
2) Read it
3) Study it
4) Meditate on it
5) Memorize it
6) Journal it
7) Act on it

How many of these seven are a part of your life right now? Which one could you add right now? Each one enhances our discipleship and our relationship with God in a slightly different way. I would encourage you to experiment. These are not the only ways to take in God's Word. Recently, I was a part of a workshop in which we all created art out of the experience of listening to the creation story both read and sung. Paraphrasing the passage through art really helped me slow down and internalize the text in a whole new way and with a depth I didn't anticipate.

Be creative in your approaches. I had a friend who memorize scripture by laminating verses and hanging them in his shower.

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